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Ecstasy (or extasy, also known with its chemical name MDMA, shortened from 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is a synthetic drug, which is similar to the stimulants as well as the hallucinogens. Ecstasy is sold in the form of pills, powder, crystals and capsules. The pills can have different shapes and colors. Often there is logo or image on them.
The names of the pills are often connected to their shape or the images on them – for example, “Superman”, “Snapchat”, “Smiley” and many others. The drug is often called “Molly” or “XTC”.
Effects: Stimulating/mind altering. Surroundings are perceived differently; feelings of closeness with the others are intensified.
Short-term risks: The use of ecstasy may cause anxiety, paranoia and even panic attacks.
Long-term risks: It is known that ecstasy is neurotoxic and it can cause long-term changes in the brain; the memory can be impaired; the drug can have negative impact on the concentration and mood (depression and anxiety); its use may lead to psychological addiction.
- When large doses are used, the stimulating effect predominates; ecstasy use is very dangerous in cases of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, epilepsy and asthma.
- Very often, the pills that are sold as ecstasy contain substances, which are completely different and act in a very different way – like PMA and PMMA for example. In such cases, the effects could be unpredictable and even deathly.
- In the 90’s and the 00’s, the average content of MDMA per tablet was between 50 and 80 mg. At the present, the average content is around 125 mg but “super” pills can also be found with content ranging from 270 to 340 milligrams of MDMA. Tablets looking similarly but with big differences in the content have been reported. There are registered deaths linked to the larger quantity of MDMA in the tablets.